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In Picturebooks

By Chris Vitale

A Multimodal Analysis of Image-text Relations in Picture Books.

On 20, Dec 2015 | In Picturebooks | By Chris Vitale

Wu, Shuxuan. “A Multimodal Analysis of Image-text Relations in Picture Books.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4.7 (Jul. 2014): 1415-1420

Referrer: Chris Vitale

Categories: Multimodal, picturebook, image/text, computer science, linguistics


Wu is a scholar of Linguistics that implements a Systemic Functional Multimodal Analysis in an effort to illuminate image-text relations. A thorough classification multimodal classifications and their construction of meaning is given. A brief overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is given. Picture books have been chosen because the genre contains a wide array of image-text relation examples. Three categories for image-text relation types are given: Elaboration, Extension, Enhancement and Projection. Wu who breaks it into a multi-level analysis presents a generic framework of picture books. From culture context, context of situation, to the content stratum, down to the display stratum, a new perspective for non-linguistic scholars is provided. Wu concludes that the text and images in picture books contribute autonomously, but that the image-text relationship is complex and not as simple as complementary, extensible, etc.

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