Picturebooks 2.0
On 20, Dec 2015 | In Picturebooks | By Chris Vitale
Serafini, Frank, Kachorsky, Dani, & Aguillera, Earl. “Picturebooks 2.0: Transmedial features across narrative platforms.” Journal of Children’s Literature. 41(2), 2015: 16-24.
Referrer: Chris Vitale
Categories: digital picturebooks, picturebooks, visual storytelling, digitization, layout, child readers
Digital technology has had an augmenting affect on picture books. The author’s of this article are concerned with the transmedial features of the text as well as the work being done by visual images, sound fx and music, textual and paratextual elements of the story, as well as a range of interactivity points within the text such as navigational elements, transitions, and animations. The printed picture book is very different than the experience found on digital devices. For these authors, the content of the book is something that can be experienced in many places and many ways. The digital platform is altering the experience that one can have with a children’s narrative. The meaning garnered from stories is in effect changed as well. For picture books published in print format, digital formats present a new range of entry points for multimodal inquiry. The main primary source for these researchers is The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, a text that was published in print and digital media.